Convertable Bread Cloche

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Convertable Bread Cloche

Convertable Bread Cloche
Convertable Bread Cloche
Convertable Bread Cloche
Convertable Bread Cloche
Convertable Bread Cloche
Convertable Bread Cloche

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Convertable Bread Cloche

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Cloche Size
  • Small
  • Large
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Your Price: $45.00
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1 Left in Stock
Categories: Bowls, Kitchen Specialty
  • Description

They say Man cannot live by bread alone, but I beg to disagree. Especially when the bread is fresh baked sourdough with a divine crust.

To make a really lovely sourdough boule, it’s best to use a banneton (a form to allow the bread to proof in) and a boule (a cover to trap steam). With this stoneware piece, you can do both!

Line the unglazed interior of the bowl with a floured towel, and it is a banneton for your high hydration loaves.

Invert it over your ready-to-bake dough, and it becomes a cloche. (NOTE: Spray with no-stick cooking oil and you must bake from a cold start oven to prevent heat shock to the stoneware.)

The large bowl measures approximately 8 to 8 1/2″ in diameter and is 3 1/2″ high and makes approximately a 1 1/2 - 2 pound loaf. $45.00

The small bowl measures approximately 7" in diameter and is 2 1/2" high and makes approximately a 1 lb load. $35.00

Recipe and instructions can be found here.

(Available in various glaze colors. Please contact me if you have a specific request.)